Joignez-vous à nous pour la troisième édition annuelle du rendez-vous Pigeon d’Argile pour les Enfants / Clays for Kids et contribuez à l’amélioration des dénouements pour les enfants atteints de cancer.
Chaque année, l’événement Pigeon d’argile pour les Enfants / Clays for Kids atteints le maximum admissible de participants. Certains des chefs d’entreprise les plus établis du Canada y participent, notamment des PDG de grandes marques, certains des entrepreneurs les plus prospères du pays et une foule d’autres personnes bien établies, influentes et fortunées.
À ce jour, les événements Pigeon d’Argile pour les Enfants / Clays for Kids ont permis de recueillir plus de 2 million de dollars pour les enfants atteints de cancer au Canada et leurs familles.
All tickets are SOLD out. Please contact, Charlotte Ashton at charlotte@childhoodcancer.ca to be added to the waitlist.

Presented by National Bank Financial Markets, the 9th annual Clays for Kids is an all-day, outdoor clay-shooting experience that raises funds in support of Childhood Cancer Canada.
This highly anticipated tournament brings together Canada’s most established business leaders including executives from household brands, some of the country’s most successful entrepreneurs, and a host of affluent individuals to raise funds for childhood cancer families in Canada.
Join us for the VIP experience or tournament or both in celebration and hope for improved outcomes for children living with cancer.
To date, this event has raised over $2 million for families living with childhood cancer.
All tickets are SOLD out. Please contact, Charlotte Ashton at charlotte@childhoodcancer.ca to be added to the waitlist.

Presented by National Bank Financial Markets, the inaugural Clays for Kids event is an all-day, outdoor clay-shooting experience that raises funds in support of Childhood Cancer Canada.
This highly anticipated tournament brings together Canada’s most established business leaders including executives from household brands, some of the country’s most successful entrepreneurs, and a host of affluent individuals to raise funds for childhood cancer families in Canada.
Join us for the VIP experience or tournament or both in celebration and hope for improved outcomes for children living with cancer.
For sponsorship and event inquiries, please contact Charlotte Ashton at charlotte@childhoodcancer.ca

Clay pigeon shooting at Club De Tir Armurier Pionnier Inc. in collaboration with the CCFR. There will be a delicious BBQ dinner as well as prizes and more! Tracey Wilson, spokesperson for the CCFR will also be present for the big day!